
Through our continued work with community building amongst people of all ages GSE has slowly and perceptibly been putting more and more focus into issues around the lost skills that helped bind people together and helped us all be needed by one another. Some of those lost skills are the skills of Grief and Brokenheartedness.

We have had the great good fortune that Stephen Jenkinson, teacher, ceremonialist, spiritual activist, and founder of the Orphan Wisdom School has made a number of trips to the UK and Wales to share his ideas and visions for how things could be.

As part of GSE’s ongoing work projects we have initiated a number that are directly related to the re-discovering and re-membering of the skills of Grief and Brokenheartedness. For more information see our pages about Griefwalker film screenings, the Returnings Sessions, the Aching Heart Days, the Die Wise book club, and The Grief Sanctuary.