Mercy Medical Center Project

 ‘people every day, joining forces and stepping towards each other, despite the attendant discomfort, to co-create the world of our dreams’      Miki Kashtan

Update April 12:

I am so grateful to Jason and his family for his time with us.  I am grateful to all of those out there that have supported his participation in this work, for we are all enriched. — Wes Taylor (view his full text here)


Update April 10:

Jason’s participation in the project with Wes Taylor at the Mercy Medical Center is almost complete (view his project report here, and his expense report here). On April 27th he will return home to the UK. This request is going out to all our friends to help raise the final amount needed to cover the remaining costs Jason will have including his return airline flight. We’re needing an extra $800 but since we have a donor willing to match up to $400 we only need to raise $400 more! So don’t miss out on the chance to double your fun 🙂

No donation is too small for us – enjoy the thrill of contributing.

This NVC based program will be delivered by Wes Taylor to the 120 + staff of the Emergency Room (ER) Department of Mercy Medical Center Baltimore, where Wes works.  The project will start winter 2012, with each of the ER staff members eventaully attending three 2 hour sessions in small groups of 10 – 12 at a time.  The intention is that this program aims specifically to support the team to develop resources and skills to support them in a highly stressful work environment.

Jason Stewart, (photo and further info click here) has been completely inspired by the project and has offered to work as a volunteer to support Wes.  In particular for Jason, whilst this will be an invaluable opportunity for experiential learning and skill sharing, he is particularly passionate about sharing the learning with other GSE and general NVC projects throughout the USA and other countries  Jason wrote to Wes after hearing about the program:

            “I’ve been thinking hard about the project that you’ll be running with the emergency room people. I’m REALLY curious and excited about how it will be. I’m not clear what it will be or how it will turn out but it seems like such a major step of implementing change at a systemic level.  I am SUPER curious to see what transpires with the ER staff, and I would love to support the project in away way I  could”.

Wes and the center administration are happy to accept Jason’s offer and he will head to Baltimore December 12th 2012. One aspect of this is the day to day support for Jason whilst there.  In India Jason’s voluntary work includes him having somewhere to live as well as his food provided and all this will be different in the States.

It seemed an initial big leap to make, though within a few days of sharing the idea with others, already Jason has been offered considerable support.  Ideas for raising food/travel money such as offering RC circles and family NVC spaces whilst there, as well as looking for some kind of paid work are being explored.  In the meantime GSE would like to act as an anchor of support and so to a request:

  • If you have ideas, thoughts, encouragement, networking connections etc, please do contact us: or
  • and/or if you feel moved to and can, would you make a financial contribution of whatever amount towards funding Jason living in the States. Monies donated will primarily used for food and travel costs

A request for any amount towards food and travel costs happily received here:

Project Budget: 

Item Unit Cost / Time Time Total Cost
Travel to US $400
Travel to UK $400
Food / wk 50 16 $800
Fuel / wk 80 16 $1,280
Other Travel / month 100 4 $400
Phone / month 30 4 $120
Sundries $250
Clothes $250
Total: $3900        £2412        €2963
Contributions to date: offer’s of places to stay, offer of use of car;  gift: $300, gift: $100, Jason: personal contribution $300; donation: £50.00, donation $100, donation $118, donation $50, donation $50, donation $20, donation $150.00, donation $10, donation $500,
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