Wes Taylor Feedback

This feedback was offered by Wes Taylor in recognition of Jason’s work in the ED project at the MMC.

Jason’s enthusiasm and deep curiosity were inspiring to me as we discussed the work I was doing with Mercy’s Emergency Department in Wales last November.  So his request to come, volunteer, learn and contribute to the work only required effort to get official authorizations and deal with logistics.  There was no question in my mind about the value of having him with us at Mercy.  It is incredibly gratifying to say that there have only been confirmations of that prediction and not a single moment of wishing things were different.

I predicted that Jason would be a great thinking partner – someone who would support the search for clarity and maybe even reveal some unrecognized aspects of the systems here through a set of fresh (and well NVC-informed) eyes.  He has done that wonderfully.  His contributions to the creation of training curricula and ongoing adjustments / improvements have been deeply appreciated.  What I’m a bit embarrassed to admit is being surprised by is how much Jason has been a personal support and a grounding influence for me and my fullest connection to life as I address the sometimes highly challenging issues that arise in healthcare in the US.  Both sitting in discussion in the office, as well as in the training room (about to begin a training as well as in the midst, when participants were engaged in a dialogue practice or written activity and I would approach Jas for a quick confab) Jason diligently asked questions directing attention to my needs, self-awareness, and encouraging self-supportive requests.  Each and every time, this habit of his was a breath of cool air helping me stay connected to that which is most important.  This was the unexpected joy of Jason’s time with me.

Finally, the contributions Jason made directly to the staff of the ED have been so exciting for me to witness.  One part of my excitement was simply having camaraderie and singing in the same voice – sometime a very different voice that what staff were used to.  The other part of my excitement was his frequent offering of content or perspective that was different and a significant addition to what I was offering.  These moments happened frequently in the training room, but just as importantly in the conference rooms and offices when he joined in on operational and tactical discussions.  The Emergency Department at Mercy was going to have the benefit of the principles and awareness revealed by NVC from me in any case – however, they have received a much richer, specific, and practical version because of his presence with us.

I am so grateful to Jason and his family for his time with us.  I am grateful to all of those out there that have supported his participation in this work, for we are all enriched.

Wes Taylor,
Balitmore, MD
April 11, 2013.