Gayano Shaw BA (Hons) Anthropology. CNVC Certified Trainer.
The gift of NVC came into my life in 2007 since when it’s principles have proved to be the back bone of my family, community and working life. The last years have found me initiating, crafting, hosting, enabling and participating in a myriad of events for all ages in the spirit of contribution. From ‘one to one’, families, small groups, ‘ villagemaking’, mentoring and international events, I find my self engaged and full of enthusiasm for making things possible within the realm and spirit of ‘service’. Along with my husband Jason, I apprentice myself to the honing of the skills of love and grief within the the realms of lived relationships between humans, the more than human world and the unseen world as the cornerstones towards a compassionate human scaled day to day life.
Jason Stewart PhD Computer Science
The creator of the 12 Characters in Search of an Apocalypse project, Jason is committed to enabling community dialogue around the critical and challenging topics that threaten all life on the planet.
Peter Kinsey BA (Hons) Architecture
For the last 13 year I have run my own tree resources company after a background in Architecture. I found NVC late in 2009 since then I have been actively involved in community camps, NVC retreats and workshops. I hold space for one practice group and attend another. I am constantly looking for ways to share NVC whether this is family, friend, the NVC community or online. GSE is another step in this vital development.